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El Oso Caramel / Milk Chocolate / Dried Apricot


In The Cup

This washed lot, from the Cooperativa Argraria Frontera San Ignacio in Peru, is a super easy-going coffee that shines in pretty much any brew method, at any time of the day! To ...

COOPAFSI San Ignacio
1,890 masl
Typica, Imperial, Pache

In The Cup

This washed lot, from the Cooperativa Argraria Frontera San Ignacio in Peru, is a super easy-going coffee that shines in pretty much any brew method, at any time of the day! To us, this coffee is really well balanced, with lots of sweetness and a refreshing acidity. The main flavour notes that we are enjoying are soft, sweet, caramel and milk chocolate with subtle fruity notes like red apple and dried apricot.

The Story

The El Oso Project was set up to help conserve forests near coffee-growing areas in the Santuario Nacional Tabaconas Namballe nature sanctuary in San Ignacio. The farms are located in the buffer zones of a protected natural area, where spectacled bears and other native animals face huge pressures and are in danger of extinction. Working with an organic methodology and certifications are a strategic point because through these standards, a culture of protection of wildlife and species in danger of extinction is encouraged and created.

Social and Environmental

This balance with nature has involved the provision of forestry species for replanting areas that require it, and with trees specific to that area. Coffee seedlings suitable for the forest environment are also provided. Solar tents have been provided to farmers to provide better drying facilities, and 200 litre drums for fermentation.

Rooves have been provided to enable farmers to build composting warehouses, reducing the need for fertiliser to be bought. This also reduces waste as the discarded cherry is broken down and turned in to fertilizer. These benefits allow for improvements in quality but with minimal impact on the environment. The cooperative also run regular workshops for it’s members with a mixture of presentations, group work and Q&A sessions.

The Variety

As this coffee comes from a cooperative with many small holders, there is a wide range of varieties that are grown. Some of them are common varieties to be found in Latin American, such as Bourbon, Caturra and Catimor, while some are more specific to Peru (and neighbouring Brazil), such as Pache, Typica and Mundo Novo.

This mixture of varieties helps producers have a level of security in case of any pests or unfavourable climatic conditions. While it can be interesting for us to taste one single variety, it can be higher risk for producers do produce single varieties! It is no doubt as well, that this mixture of varieties is also contributing to the complexity in the cup with this easy drinking coffee.

The Processing

The coffee cherries are processed at the farm level, using equipment which is provided by the coop and with training from the coop too. Processing cherries at the farm also aids the quality of the coffee, as sometimes cherries can start to spoil when being transported to the local washing station, like with some coops. Some of the equipment that is provided to the farmers by the coop includes small tanks for floating, fermenting and washed the cherries and also solar tents to help dry the parchment in stable conditions.

Once the cherries are harvested, they are first floated in the tanks to separate under-ripes and any foreign objects. After they are cleaned then the whole cherries are fermented for 18-36 hours, depending on weather conditions. After fermentation in the cherries, they are then pulped and the mucilage is washed off before being dried in solar tunnels on raised beds. Finally, the dried coffee, in parchment, is delivered to the coops own dry mill where it is stored and then milled just before export.

São Francisco
Milk Chocolate / Hazelnut / Fudge
Red Apple / Custard Cream
Archetype Espresso
Dark Chocolate / Hazelnut / Molasses
Private: San Lorenzo
Blackcurrant / Chocolate Liqueur
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