Quite a novelty to Western eyes and taste buds, originally this was the ‘Poor Man’s Green Tea’ bulking up the precious leaves with the ubiquitous grains of rice, rather like the French adding...
Quite a novelty to Western eyes and taste buds, originally this was the ‘Poor Man’s Green Tea’ bulking up the precious leaves with the ubiquitous grains of rice, rather like the French adding chicory to their coffee in times of austerity. There’s nothing gimmicky or cheap however about the high quality of green tea used in this traditional blend which with a light sprinkling of puffed rice gives the tea a hay-loft warm aroma of straw-like sweetness. A Cultural Curiosity, this delightful green tea has a sweetly fragrant, freshly new-mown hay-like aroma. These subtleties of flavour need to be gently nuanced in the brew, so, as with most of these lighter teas, err on the side of under-extraction - you can always experiment with re-extraction later.
- Japanese green tea, popcorn, rice.