This naturally anaerobic processed coffee from the Bayter brothers exhibits an incredible sweet, spiciness; a quality that we've really enjoyed from many of their funkier coffee...
This naturally anaerobic processed coffee from the Bayter brothers exhibits an incredible sweet, spiciness; a quality that we've really enjoyed from many of their funkier coffees. We're getting notes of Parma violets, white vermouth, melon and papaya with a clean funkiness that makes for a juicy and exciting brew!
In 1995, the Bayter Family began farming avocados at El Vergel, becoming highly productive. In 2006, a disease caused avocado prices to drop, prompting Martha Bayter to diversify into coffee. By 2010, they grew catimore, red, and yellow caturra varieties. Learning about coffee fermentation, they certified their farm as “Rainforest Alliance” between 2014-2015. In 2016, with expert Miguel Jimenez, they planted Geisha, Java, Pacamara, Red Bourbon, and Laurina, producing their first specialty coffees in 2017. Modernizing the farm in 2018, they implemented natural coffee processes and conducted research on fermentation. Now, El Vergel boasts 28 varietals and pioneered the kOJI fermentation process, revolutionizing green coffee production in Colombia.
The housing initiative at the farm aims to provide homes for the oldest members who have worked there, currently, 10 families reside in houses at El Vergel. This effort ensures that long-term workers have a comfortable place to live, fostering a sense of community and security.
Additionally, the ReForest program has been implemented since the farm’s inception. This program aims to combat the effects of climate change in coffee-producing areas by promoting the planting of native trees to provide shade. These trees help to lower the average temperature of the fields, reducing the likelihood of these areas becoming marginal in the future. To date, over 20,000 trees have been planted, primarily in northern Tolima, with some in the south and a few on partner farms in Huila.
The farm’s commitment to the local community extends to education through its school donations initiative. Funds are actively sought for the local school adjacent to the farm, with an additional 50% contribution added to what is raised. This initiative has enabled significant improvements to the school’s infrastructure. So far, the entire roof has been replaced, all chairs and desks have been updated to suit children’s ages, restrooms have been renovated, and a trampoline has been provided, which has been so popular that it required repairs.
Through these initiatives, the farm strives to create a positive impact on its workers, the environment, and the local community, reflecting its dedication to sustainable and responsible farming practices.
Pink Bourbon is a variety that has gained a lot of notoriety in the speciality coffee world in recent years, and this is mostly because of the delicious cup quality that it can produce. Interestingly, Pink Bourbon has not actually been genotyped yet so we can’t actually be sure what exactly it is! As the name suggests, the cherries are usually a pinkish colour, although they can also appear more orange and sometimes striped. This has led people to believe that it is hybrid of Red Bourbon and Yellow Bourbon.
It is also believed that there are different strains of Pink Bourbon and as it is likely to be a hybrid, some are stable while others can revert back to either Red or Yellow Bourbon. This can also lead to varying cup qualities from different lots, some can be very high scoring, with high sweetness and floral notes, similar to some coffees from Southern Ethiopia, while other lots of Pink Bourbon sometimes can have a flatter cup profile.
Anaerobic natural process coffee combines two unique methods to create a distinct flavor profile. First, coffee cherries are placed in sealed, oxygen-free tanks to ferment anaerobically, which enhances acidity and complex flavors. After fermentation, the cherries undergo the natural process, where they are dried with the fruit still intact. This combination results in a coffee with vibrant, fruity notes, heightened sweetness, and a rich, wine-like body. The anaerobic fermentation intensifies flavors like tropical fruits, berries, and florals. While challenging to produce, anaerobic natural process coffee is highly sought after for its unique and complex taste.
This lot is left to oxidise in the whole cherries for 12 hours before being anaerobically fermented for 24 hours. Finally it is dried in the sun for 20 days until it is a stable moisture content before being dry milled.